Tuesday, August 10, 2010

To Bath and Boston

I made the 53-minute drive up to Bath today to visit Halcyon Yarn store to go to their weekly casual spinning session! I got to meet a bunch of great ladies, all spinners of various levels! They gave me some really great tips, like how, when I want to ply two ... uh ... plys? Two already-twisty bits of string together, to make a 2-ply yarn, you can wind them from the spindle onto an old soda bottle or something to hold the twist, instead of splurging for a Lazy Kate :-) And I got to try out a real spinning wheel! Turns out I'm not so bad at that, either! :-) (successful first try = major-ego boost!)

In other news: my Autumn Leaves Afghan is now 54 INCHES LONG HOORAY!!!

This pic is of the wrong side, so you can tell that the autumn leaf lace pattern isn't as gorgeous on both sides. *sigh*

My mom and I drove down to Boston to drop my brother at a friend's place from whence they will begin their cross-country roadtrip back to school on the West coast. So we had to say goodbye *sniffle* but it was cool to hang out on the 2.5 hour drive down :-) Then mom and I stopped by IKEA on our way home (always an adventure) and are wholeheartedly exhausted from a big day!

Oh, and Finneghan the cat is helping me out with my afghan :-)

Time for some sleep (and maybe some spinning!)

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